The Edge of Each Other's Battle: The Vision of Audre Lorde

The Edge of Each Other's Battle: The Vision of Audre Lorde(2003)

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The Edge of Each Other's Battle: The Vision of Audre Lorde剧情内容介绍

The Edge of Each Other's Battle: The Vision of Audre Lorde原名:The Edge of Each Other's Battle: The Vision of Audre Lorde,

A movie about poet Audre Lorde's broad social vision and the translation of that vision into a transnational conference, "I Am Your Sister: Forging Global Connections Across Differences" which used Lorde's work as the foundation of the conference, while celebrating her life.

发布于2003年。由Jennifer Abod执导,集众多位奥黛丽·洛德等著名实力派明星加盟。


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The Edge of Each Other's Battle: The Vision of Audre Lorde评价

  • 条目创建成功,上周给这个电影打了两天半的时间轴+字幕(裂开),好喜欢Audre Lorde说话,如此真诚,话语里又富有感染人心的情感,“Do not let the differences pull you apart. Use them, examine them, go through them -- grow from them. That is empowerment.”
