The Invisible Extinction


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The Invisible Extinction

The extinction of healthy bacteria in our bodies could escalate a new global health crisis. The good news: the field’s top two scientists are on the case, examining the impact microbiomes have on our wellbeing.  Biodiversity is also about what goes on inside our own bodies. Over half a century, half the world’s microbes have disappeared as diseases such as asthma, allergies, obe...

发布于2022年。由史蒂文·劳伦斯、Sarah Schenck执导,并于2022-03-24(哥本哈根国际纪录片节)公映的电影。


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The Invisible Extinction评价

  • 后面那个小男孩,眼睛好大好闪亮

  • 为老板的电影打call!愈发觉得自己的研究有意义,即使从来没有怀疑过
