介绍: Andress,WatsonandJohnsonarewithaRoyalAirForcesquadroninFrance.WhenWats…… 更多肉与灵介绍
肉与灵原名:Body and Soul,又名肉体与灵魂
Andress, Watson and Johnson are with a Royal Air Force squadron in France. When Watson is killed in combat, Andrews tries to return the letters Watson received from a girl called "Pom-Pom." There are two possibilities: one is Watson's widow, the other is a German spy
发布于1931年。由Alfred Santell执导,并且由编剧朱尔斯·福瑟曼、Elliott White Springs携幕后团队创作。集众多位Charles Farrell、Elissa Landi、Humphrey Bogart、Myrna Loy等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1931-02-22公映的电影。