Images d'Orient: Tourisme vandale

Images d'Orient: Tourisme vandale(2001)

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Images d'Orient: Tourisme vandale原名:Images d'Orient: Tourisme vandale,又名Images of the Orient: Vandal Tourism

发布于2001年。由伊凡·吉亚尼谦、安吉拉·里奇·鲁奇执导,并且由编剧伊凡·吉亚尼谦、安吉拉·里奇·鲁奇携幕后团队创作。集众多位Giovanna Marini等著名实力派明星加盟。


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Images d'Orient: Tourisme vandale评价

  • This is the kind of work that demand a lot from the audience. It must demand so much to do justice to the image of colonial violence. It’s the kind of work that does not speak but is holding firmly so much semantic and affective *****
