Independence: Around the Film 'Kedma', a Film by Amos Gitai

Independence: Around the Film 'Kedma', a Film by Amos Gitai(2002)

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Independence: Around the Film 'Kedma', a Film by Amos Gitai剧情内容介绍

Independence: Around the Film 'Kedma', a Film by Amos Gitai原名:Independence: Around the Film 'Kedma', a Film by Amos Gitai,

发布于2002年。由藤原敏史执导,集众多位阿莫斯·吉泰、乔治·阿凡尼提斯、Sendi Bar、Laura Dinolesko、梅纳赫姆·朗、Juliano Mer、莫尼·穆索诺夫、Marie-Jose Sanselme、Sari Azoulay Turgeman、Andrei Kashker、Michel Kharat等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2002公映的电影。


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