介绍: Basicallyastudyinshiftingattitudesandrelatioshipduringajourneyundertak…… 更多En och en介绍
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Basically a study in shifting attitudes and relatioship during a journey undertaken by two old friends (Ylva, the middle-aged woman artist, and her bachelor cousin 'Uncle Dan', with his passion for pastries oddly tucked away in closets). They chat, quarrel, reminisce, observe, remember, as she tries to rouse him to new life. Nothing very decisive happens, but we are drawn into ...
发布于1978年。由厄兰·约瑟夫森、英格丽·图林执导,并且由编剧厄兰·约瑟夫森携幕后团队创作。集众多位Jonas Bergström、Björn Gustafson、Erland Josephson等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1978公映的电影。