光明世纪原名:Le siècle des lumières,又名The century of light
El Siglo de las Luces is a historical novel by Cuban writer and musicologist Alejo Carpentier. The book follows the story of three privileged Creole orphans from Havana, as they meet French adventurer Victor Hugues and get involved in the revolutionary turmoil that shook the Atlantic World at the end of the eighteenth century. Originally published in 1962, this is one of the mo...
发布于1993年。由Humberto Solás执导,并且由编剧阿莱霍·卡彭铁尔携幕后团队创作。集众多位弗朗索瓦·迪努瓦耶、弗雷德里克·皮耶罗、Jacqueline Arenal等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1993公映的电影。
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