The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song(2007)

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《The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song》在线观看和下载

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song剧情内容介绍

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song原名:The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song,

Indiana Jones and Remy Baudouin arrive in Ireland in April 1916 on their way to London where they plan to join the Belgian Army. In order to raise enough money for their fare to Englandm, they both start get a *** at a local pub. Here Indy meets struggling play wight Sean O'Casey and soon impresses two Irish girls who think he's an American millionaire traveling the world. When...



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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song评价

  • 这一集的两个故事设计的挺好的,在印第真正****之前,这样两个战前故事确实是相当好的铺垫,如果下一集印第并没有真正投入**,那可挺让人失望的。看了这个才头一次知道原来齐柏林飞艇不只是一个乐队,真的是有这么一种载具啊。老家教返场还是挺温情的。
