介绍: Comeone,comealltoTHECIRCUS:INSIDETHEGREATESTPOLITICALSHOWONEARTH.Thisd…… 更多马戏团:地球上最伟大的政治表演 第一季介绍
马戏团:地球上最伟大的政治表演 第一季原名:The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth Season 1,
Come one, come all to THE CIRCUS: INSIDE THE GREATEST POLITICAL SHOW ON EARTH. This documentary series pulls back the curtain on the 2016 presidential race, revealing the intense, inspiring and infuriating stories behind the headlines. Key characters and events from the individual campaigns are presented in real time, as they are happening. Produced in cooperation with Bloomber...
发布于2016年。集众多位杰布·布什、马克·霍尔珀林、约翰·海勒曼、Chis Christie、Ted Cruz等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-01-17公映的电视剧。
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